In a post-Molly Bloom world that has, in many ways, forgotten about men and all we do, we created this card room for – well… men. It’s not because we don’t enjoy our careers, our wives and our children – but occasionally, we like to hang out with other men, uninterrupted, doing “old-world men-things” – sipping fine whiskey, smoking hand-rolled cigars and gambling over a game of cards. Heart Attack & Pine is a place where after the door closes behind us, so too do life’s burdens. And once inside the card room, for those sacred hours, we talk, like old men in Sardinia – the ones you see huddled around a chess board with other old men, talking about politics and their blood pressure, talking about old motorcycles and old mistresses… laughing, smiling, smoking cigarettes, sipping campari & cappuccino. Sure we play poker. But if you join us, you will come to realize and understand that what we achieve in this card room is far greater than winning a hand or a few dollars to shove in our pockets. The true discovery behind these four walls, is an appreciation for the finer, slower, simpler things in life and a renewed respect for each other – much of which has been forgotten in the new world we live in.