
The Players.

  • OLD CROW……games played…. 60 * favorite hand… kings
  • TIRE-FIRE……games played…. 52 * favorite hand… when he’s dealing
  • NO FOLD……games played…. 47 * favorite hand… patience
  • THE RIVER……games played…. 43 * favorite hand… longshot river card
  • LONGROD……games played…. 41 * favorite hand… straight flush
  • OLE DIRTY BASTARD……games played…. 29 * favorite hand… the ladies
  • CAKEBOCKER……games played…. 24 * favorite hand… boats & straights
  • PADDYCAKE……games played…. 22 * favorite hand… four of any kind
  • B-RATE……games played…. 22 * favorite hand… four fours
  • DEADEYE……games played…. 22 * favorite hand… a couple of twos
  • MAGIC MIKE……games played…. 20 * favorite hand… texas bluff
  • RAINMAN……games played…. 20 * favorite hand… black suits
  • LYNCHPIN……games played…. 17 * favorite hand… cheating & lying
  • KING TUTT……games played…. 16 * favorite hand… a very full boat
  • THE RESERVOIR……games played…. 15 * favorite hand… quiet & deadly